Training Begins Here
Our training program is undergoing revision to provide new players with a fast track to successful Pickleball training. You will see new training subjects appear below. Click on them and you will get the information you need to be a successful player.
Our Volunteers
1. Stretching and warm-up exercises, as would be done for any athletic function.
2. Equipment
a. Proper Shoes
b. Eye Protection
c. Paddles (Recommend placing contact information on paddle, mailing label etc.).
d. Gloves (Your option)
e. Proper attire for weather
3. Safety
a. Dehydration-respect Florida heat. Bring and Drink lots of fluids on courts.
b. Location of First Aid kits, Emergency call button on back of Rec Center and AED’s. Only club members have combination to the boxes.
c. Understand you’re your limitations (not 25 years old anymore).
d. Running backward/forward properly to maintain proper center of gravity.
e. Hitting the ball on the run is dangerous. Try to plant your feet first.
f. Wet courts are very dangerous/slippery, do not play when wet!
4. Court Etiquette
a. Never walk behind a game in progress. Wait till play is finished.
b. Stop play let players advance to court before next round of play.
c. How to handle errant balls in the wrong court. Yell Ball Loudly! Stop play for safety of
players and return the ball to the original court/players.
d. Who decides when the ball is in or out of bounds. Always the receiving team.
5. Basic game rules and scoring
a. Non volley zone (Kitchen). Court lines interpretation. Dinking.
b. Serving and net faults, serving location, rotation and scoring.
c. Two bounce rules.
d. Top Pickleball Club Rule of Eight.
6. Current legal serving types.
a. Set Stance or One Step Serves (also called volley serves in some places).
1. Must use upward swing (sideways serve is a fault!).
2. Paddle must be below wrist upon contact with ball.
3. Paddle must be below waist upon contact with the ball.
b. Drop Serve
1. Limitations of the above stances/rules are suspended.
2. Drop must be a free fall from any height but not a forced drop.
3. You are not allowed to twist or put any rotation on the ball.
4. Server must be behind the back line and within side and middle lines when serving.
7. Club Membership
a. Membership forms available online at our website at
b. Benefits include free rules and training sessions, ratings classes/advancement in club rankings if so desired.
c. Annual Picklenik, annual club meeting, fun activities and events.
d. Club provided balls/replacements for court play during club hours.
e. Club reserved hours for play 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM Monday through Saturday.